Thursday, July 1, 2010

Recruitment company’s days are numbered?

Your days are numbered only if you're a bad recruiter, no matter what technology you're using or not using.

The internet is simply a medium like any other media. New media does not replace old media. TV did not replace radio, DVDs did not put movie theaters out of business. Newspapers are dying because they failed to embrace online media, now that they're playing catch-up they will find a way to adapt & survive. For recruiting, the internet should simply be used as part of the overall media mix for business development & candidate sourcing.

And that's how exec search people can still do well - through research and using the internet to deliver a better product (candidate) & service (screening etc) that the internal sourcing people can do on their own - assuming they even have the time to do so.

Technology does not replace search firms. If you're a poor recruiter, technology will only help you do more of the wrong things, faster. If you're a good recruiter, it can give you competitive advantages and cost reduction by increasing efficiencies. Find a way to embrace new technology & make it part of what you have to offer in the way of services.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Account Manager – Account Management

Well organization will expect a senior recruitment professional to participate in the revenue generation 'directly' like, Account Management rather than keep supporting as a Recruiter/ Lead Recruiter through which both parties would get benefited.

So, that's the 'change', which not everyone is comfortable about. There is definitely a difference between making a call to a candidate and a call to client. As a recruiter, you are only managing the expectations of one-end, the candidate, and possibly you can fight with another end, which is your account manager. But having put yourself in the shoes of account manager, you can no more 'fight', you need to meet expectations of both the ends, that's the change. Unless you do so, you can't 'generate revenue', means no success.